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Available Endpoints

Please find the below endpoints:

Root /

The root of the API redirects to the swagger documentation page of the API, The swagger documentation of the API is a highlevel detailed documentation for developers.


Example request:

curl ""


Endpoint to retrieve particular scoring data for a particular customer id

This requires a body to have a particular ID for the specific customer scored.The body is required to have id, unless agreed otherwise.

POST /score

Example request:

curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
'loan_date': '2019-12-02',
'birth_date': '24-08-1974',
'mobile_money_reg_date': '2012-05-10',
'network_reg_date': '2001-02-19',
'network_number': 156,
'mobile_money_deposit_highest': 1000000,
'mobile_money_send_highest': 272000,
'mobile_money_withdraw_acceptors': 25 ,
'cip_grade': 'XX'

Example response:

"credit_limit": 250000,


Endpoint for retrieving all scores and details.

GET /scores

Example request:

curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \

Example response:

"credit_limit": 250000,
// ... other scores details

All endpoint requires X-Auth-Token key header authorization to be accessed.